Appartment Building

Architecture Walking Tours in Battambang


In 2012 Khmer Architecture Tours offered guided architecture tours through Battambang (Bat Dambong) in Cambodia. To reasons unknown to me they have since ceased operations in Battambang and only offer architecture tours in Phnom Penh.
Fortunately the well structured and researched PDF guide with the tours is still floating around on the internet. For your convienience I mirrored it here:

Download PDF Guide

In 2022 I recreated both the North and the South Walk using the PDF guide and had a great time getting to know Battambang and learning a lot about its rich architectural history. Hence I decided to make the PDF available here and also transfer it into a Google Map, to make enjoying the walks easier for visitors to Battambang who are interested in architecture and history.

Both walks take about 2 hours to complete and can be done consecutively. Please note that the information in the document is from 2012 and sadly some buildings have been demolished since while others are in poor condition. Buildings which do not exist anymore are marked with ❌ on the map.

Architecture is the only form of art that is meant to be used every day by people. You can think of the connection between people and buildings as symbiotic. Buildings which are not used anymore lose their soul and become empty shells. So it is nice to see that most houses on the walk are still well in use. Perhaps raised interest in the others can help keeping them around and even some day breathe new life into them.

Enjoy the walks and your time in Cambodia!

Google Map with the two walks and all the sites

If you cannot see the map because you declined cookies, here's a link to the Google Map of the Architecture Walking Tours.

The PDF guide and all the information in it is from Khmer Architecture Tours and is mirrored here for educational purposes. The Google Map and all the pictures are made by me (except the old picture of Sangker Cinema which is from and the 2014 picture of the Sporting Ground which is taken from Google Street View).

Gallery of all the sites in order of visit (north to south)

Wat Pipetharam
Wat Pipetharam
Wat Pipetharam
Building of the Cantonese Association
Psar Nath (Central Market of Battambang), East Building
Psar Nath (Central Market of Battambang), West Building
Psar Nath (Central Market of Battambang), Structure Detail East Building
Psar Nath (Central Market of Battambang), Roof of East Building
Shophouses next to the Chinese Temple
Chinese Temple/Spirit House
Chinese Temple/Spirit House, Interior Detail
Villa/Corner House
Villa/Corner House
Street 2 1⁄2: Series of Shop Houses, East Side
Street 2 1⁄2: Series of Shop Houses, West Side
Chinese School (opposite of White Rose Restaurant)
Buffalo Alley, Houses on the North Side
Battambang Cinema
Battambang Cinema, Ticket Booth Detail
Battambang Cinema, Damaged Ceiling Detail
School Pi Thnou, New Building
School Pi Thnou, Entry and New Buildings
School Pi Thnou, Old Building
Appartment Building
Sangker Cinema and Battambang Warehouse (demolished), replaced by a New Building
Sangker Cinema and Battambang Warehouse, Picture of the Original Building (c)
Department of Land Management
Wat Damrey Sor
Wat Damrey Sor
Former Canal South of Wat Damrey Sor
Former Canal South of Wat Damrey Sor
Site of the demolished Boxing Stadium
Exhibition Hall
Exhibition Hall
Provincial Museum
Provincial Museum with the Exhibition Hall in the Background
Post Office
Electricity Company and Department of Water Authority
Electricity Company and Department of Water Authority
House for the Vice Governor of Battambang, Illegal Structures in the Front
House for the Vice Governor of Battambang, Illegal Structures in the Front
Provincial Court
Former Prison Location
Wat Kamphaeng Stupa of 1840
Wat Kamphaeng
Kamphaeng High (Primary) School
Kamphaeng High (Primary) School
Kamphaeng High (Primary) School
Sport Centre (Au Circle Sportif de Battambang), Remains of the Original Gate
Sport Centre (Au Circle Sportif de Battambang) (demolished), Remnants as of 2022
Sport Centre (Au Circle Sportif de Battambang) as of 2014 (c) Google Street View
Sala Khaet (Governor's Residence)
Royal Residence (Royal Bungalow)
First Concrete Bridge
Department of Tourism